Type | Description | Fee (NTD) |
Filing | Filing an application for registration of trademark/ collective mark covering Classes 1 through 34 if the numbers of the designated goods is less than 20 (per class) | 3,000 |
In case of a multi-class application covering 2 or more Classes, each additional class beyond the first class | 3,000 |
Additional fee for each additional item if the designated goods are over 20 items in one class | 200 |
Filing an application for registration of trademark/ collective mark covering Classes 35 through 45 (Per class) | 3,000 |
In case of a multi-class application covering 2 or more Classes, each additional class beyond the first class | 3,000 |
Additional fee for each additional item if more than 5 items are listed for retail services of specific goods in Class 35 | 500 |
Filing an application for registration of certification mark / collective membership mark (per class) | 5,000 |
Division | For pending application (per case) | 2,000 |
For trademark right/ certification mark right/ collective nark right (per case) | 2,000 |
For trademark right/ certification mark right/ collective mark right before the official decision of opposition, invalidation and cancellation (per case) | 4,000 |
Petition, Administrative Appeal or Litigation | Administrative litigation against decision of administrative appeal (Intellectual Property Court) | 4,000 |
Appeal against decision of Intellectual property Court (Supreme Administrative Court) | 6,000 |
Opposition, Invalidation And Revocation | Lodging an Opposition against a registered trademark (per case) | 4,000 |
Application for Invalidation against a registered trademark (per case) | 7,000 |
Application for revocation against a registered trademark (per case) | 7,000 |
Registration and Renewal | Payment of Registration (per class) | 2,500 |
In case of a multi-class application, each additional class beyond the first class | 2,500 |
Renewal for trademark or collective mark (per class) | 4,000 |
Renewal for certification mark/ collective membership mark (per registration) | 4,000 |
In case of a multi-class registration covering 2 or more classes, each additional class beyond the first class | 4,000 |
Others | Issue a replacement registration certification or re-issue the Registration certificate (per case) | 500 |
Filing by means of electronic format (per case) | reduced 300 |
Filing by means of electronic format and all designated goods or services are the same as the referenced names listed in the database of electronic filing system (per case) | reduced 300 |
Recordation of assignment or license | 2,000 |
Additional fee for recordation of assignment or license of 2 or more cases filed simultaneously (per case) | 2,000 |
Recordation of a change of name or address (per case) | 500 |
Additional fee for recordation of change of name or address, 2 or more cases filed simultaneously (per case) | 500 |