Trusted Rich experience
Lewis & Davis has abundant experience filing applications for patents, utility and designs worldwide more than 10,500 cases and for trademarks more than 5,000 cases.
High Quality Management
/ Docketing System
Lewis & Davis is specialized in handling both domestic and international dockets with our own proprietary management & docketing system to meet client’s various requests.
Connection Asia
to Global Service
Lewis & Davis has offices in Dongguan and Taiwan, and can also provide global IP services through a network of more than 300 evaluated and trusted local patent firms in over 45 countries.
Professional &
Responsive Service
Lewis & Davis always handles client’s cases by the most qualified team including patent attorneys, highly educated engineers and experienced legal staff to provide total solutions for solving problems.
Competitive Cost &
Effective Solutions
Lewis & Davis always provide competitive and cost-effective services on IP matters to our clients including filing applications, submitting statements and litigation cases.