- About Us
- Team
- Lewis C.Y. HO
Lewis C.Y. HO
Patent Attorney (Taiwan Certificate No. A0015)
Patent Agent (Taiwan Certificate No. 04170)
Environmental engineer (Taiwan Certificate No. 013696)
Councilor, Taiwan Patent Attorney Association (TWPAA)
Supervisor, Taiwan Patent Attorney Association (TWPAA)
Chairman of Right-Asserting Committee, Taiwan Patent Attorney Association (TWPAA)
Councilor, Leaders of Small and Medium Enterprises Association (ALSME)
Supervisor, Leaders of Small and Medium Enterprises Association (ALSME)
Lecturer, Environmental Engineering of Tungnan University
Member, International Trademark Association (INTA)
Councilor of Taiwan Group, Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA)
Supervisor of Taiwan Group, Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA)
Councilor, Taiwan Professional Environmental Engineer Association (TPEEA)
Supervisor, Taiwan Professional Environmental Engineer Association (TPEEA)
Deputy Secretary-General, Taipei Honorary Officers Association (THOA)
Supervisor, Taiwan Enterprise Business Leaders Association (TEBLA)
Councilor, Taiwan Renewable Energy Association (TREA)
Councilor, Taiwan Technology Industry Association (TTIA)
Chief Professional Engineer, Yi-tian Technology Company, Limited
Vice-President, Hang Hong Industrial Engineering Compan, Limited.
Vice President, Wenping & Company, Limited; Wenping Patent & Trademark Agent Limited.
Vice President, Li & Cai Intellectual Property Office
President / Founder, Lewis & Davis Patent Attorney Office
Accredited member, Taiwan Patent Attorney Association (TWPAA)
Asian Patent Attorney Association of Taiwan Group (APAA)
International Trademark Association (INTA)
Taiwan Professional Environmental Engineer Association (TPEEA)
Leaders of Small and Medium Enterprises Association (ALSME)
Honorary Member, The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society
| - Every domestic university may recommend up to 1% of undergraduate graduands that are excellent in academic performance as well as moral conduct to receive the honorary membership of the Society.
- Every domestic university may recommend up to 3% of master’s graduands that are excellent in academic performance as well as moral conduct to receive the honorary membership of the Society.
- Every domestic university may recommend up to 10% of doctoral graduands that are excellent in academic performance as well as moral conduct to receive the honorary membership of the Society.
Patent Prosecution, Patent Drafting, Patent Search & Analysis, Office Action Response, Patent Invalidation, Patent Appeal & Administrative Litigation, Patent Infringement Allegations, Trademark Prosecution, Trademark Search & Analysis, Office Action Response, Trademark Invalidation, Trademark Appeal & Administrative Litigation, Trademark Infringement Allegations, Copy Right Registration, Intellectual Property Training & Research Project,
Technical Field
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Microorganisms, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Semiconductors, Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Polymer, Genetic science, Organic/Inorganic Materials, Mechanical Engineering, Biotechnology, Textile Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Energy Engineering.
Chinese (Traditional Chinese & Simplified Chinese)
M.S., Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (1988)
B.S., Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (1986)
Credit Program, Prosecution and litigation of Intellectual Property Rights, National Chiao Tung University (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
Credit Program, Training Institute for Economic and Trade Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs